Keeping the dust out – DIY Snorkel project.

Categories Big Trip 2018, By Neil, Technical9 Comments

When in the bush, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Dust was a major problem and got into absolutely every orifice in the camper. Other than silicone seal or duct tape every conceivable hole or gap, the only other thing to do was force clean air in, to keep the dust out…..

9 thoughts on “Keeping the dust out – DIY Snorkel project.

  1. Great tutorial. Will be doing this for my Windsor Silhouette.
    Can you provide more info about your vent covers?

    1. Thanks Luke.
      The vent covers are just pieces of cloth off cut (I think from an old curtain) with velcro hooks sewn around. The velcro loops are double sided taped to the plastic vent frame.
      They do a pretty good job, but still get some dust in!

      1. Hey Peter,
        Im sorry I only just saw your comment now (months later)!
        I love what you have done with the double snorkel. How has it worked for you?

  2. Hi watched your video on the positive pressure vent for dust suppression which was very well done and I like it so much I used that idea to make something similar for my 4wd canopy but using 60mm pipe and fittings from Bunnings and I made 2 as I thought 2 would be better which so far seems to work really well I will update you if anything changes

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