The Van – Birdie

Categories By Neil, Technical0 Comments

Neil here.

Firstly choosing a van that suited our small family (both in numbers and in size), then finding one to suit our equally small budget was the first challenge. We settled on the Jayco Dove Outback, because its an “Outback” and that’s where we are going. We called it “Birdie”.

My first challenge was to sort out the internal battery, which was installed in the most inconveniently space inefficient spot. Space is always a challenge, so going to the effort of making more space s good value. This battery and solar charger took up almost half of the largest storage area we had. Just opposite this sofa is another “electrical area” with just as much wasted space.

So why not combine!

The old configuration:


The plan…..


The battery’s new home, complete with rebuilt circuit breaker box, fuse box and rewired solar charger. Now the space under the sofa is almost completely free for storage of other stuff!


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