Loyalty Beach was our base for a few days at the Tip of Australia. The kids could finally go nuts and burn off all that energy that had been building during the long drive and we could relax in the evening in front of a crackling fire.
Apart from the lurking crocs in the water, we enjoyed the company of wild, wild horses that wandered through the campsite at night. We had a Tawny Frog Mouth owl come visit each evening and watched eagles swoop during the day.
From here we ventured off on day trips and other short adventures around the Tip. The Friends took a ferry over to TI (Thursday Island) while we fished from the Seisia jetty and spied the old croc that lives on the bank of the Island just across the straight.
The end of our stay was coincidentally timed with Fish & Chip night at the campground restaurant complete with awesome sunset and aboriginal dancers from the local Injinoo community.
Check out the rest of our antics and adventures on the Cape in the coming posts…