Karina here.
It seems we have a thing for Double Island Point in August. On this trip we headed up with our friends The Friends, and this time with the addition of 2 other families. We stayed for just one night and spent most of the day up at the point on the Western side. We parked our convey alongside the copper cliffs and went about the business of having fun. It was less of a beach day for me. The kids all spent their time scaling the cliff face and throwing clumps of rock against a bigger rock to see if they would break – the joys and perils of a whole band of under-12s.
I was entranced by the rich auburn of the cliff on this day. The sky was slightly overcast with a tinge of mauve, and the colour palette had me hypnotised. The birds dances amongst the lofty heights and I was a happy soul.
We found out later that the cliffs can be quite dangerous and can come crashing down without any notice. So maybe don’t do what we did. Keep the kids off the face and park your cars father out.
If you want to read my tips for visiting Double Island Point jump over here and scroll to the bottom.