Little Hotel on the Prairie
Categories Big Trip 2018, By Neil, Four Wheel Driving, Queensland0 Comments
Do you have a menu?”, I asked.
“Were having Crumbed steak, chips ‘n salad tonight”, said the publican.
“Excuse me?”, I said.
“Crumbed steak, chips ‘n salad”, he said again.
“But you will have to wait for the next sitting. We are about to serve the first.”
The Prairie Hotel, is the only pub in a town of just a few buildings along the railway to Longreach. You can camp in the back for free, if you buy something from the pub.
The pub is full of character and dinner is served communally, in sittings, and with whoever else happens to be hungry that night.
You set up your camper/ carvan / tent in the back paddock next to a buffalo and antique tractors and memorabilia from times gone by.